HAIRY - tradução para árabe
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HAIRY - tradução para árabe

Hairiness; Hairy (disambiguation)



أَزَبّ ; أَشْعَر ; أَفْرَع ; شَعِر

مكسو بالشعر = اشعر ، شعِر زغب، ازغب الساق و الورق شعرى وعر = فظ = رهيب
‎ أَشْعَر‎


1. Annoyingly complicated. "DWIM is incredibly hairy." 2. Incomprehensible. "DWIM is incredibly hairy." 3. Of people, high-powered, authoritative, rare, expert, and/or incomprehensible. Hard to explain except in context: "He knows this hairy lawyer who says there's nothing to worry about." See also hirsute. The adjective "long-haired" is well-attested to have been in slang use among scientists and engineers during the early 1950s; it was equivalent to modern "hairy" and was very likely ancestral to the hackish use. In fact the noun "long-hair" was at the time used to describe a hairy person. Both senses probably passed out of use when long hair was adopted as a signature trait by the 1960s counterculture, leaving hackish "hairy" as a sort of stunted mutant relic. 4. <topology> hairy ball. [Jargon File] (2001-03-29)



Hairy may refer to:

  • people or animals covered in hairs or fur
  • plants covered in trichomes
  • insects covered in setae
  • people nicknamed "the Hairy"
  • Hairy (gene)
Exemplos de pronúncia para HAIRY
1. Chinese and hairy, hairless.
Underwater Puppies _ Seth Casteel _ Talks at Google
2. small, brown, and hairy--
Swiss Watching - Inside the Land of Milk and Money _ Diccon Bewes _ Talks at Google
3. involves their hairy toes.
4. a hairy banana.
The Hairy Ball Theorem
5. Become a hairy peach.
Swiss Watching - Inside the Land of Milk and Money _ Diccon Bewes _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para HAIRY
1. He‘s quite hairy – his chest is quite hairy." "We can whip that off," said Tracey.
2. I am just not a fan of hairy men, thank goodness he has clothes to cover is all up. – Veronica Jones, Berkshire, England Incredibly hairy?
3. One guard said: "It got pretty hairy at one point.
4. "It was a hairy moment," Battalion Chief Mario Rueda said.
5. Not so with their hairy colleagues and successors.